When I get my first client then I’ll be happy…

When I quit my job then I’ll be happy…

When I get that freedom I crave then I’ll be happy…

When I make $10K a month then I’ll be happy…

Have you been there before? Maybe you are there right now?

When…then you’ll be happy. Except life happens and before you know it it’s 5, 10, 15 years later. TIME stops for no one!! Yikes!

I’ve been there before in the past (a lot). Can you guess what I found out?

When you approach your business (and life) like this you will NEVER be happy. Why? Because once you reach one goal there will always be another ‘when’.

It’s a vicious cycle that will never stop unless you stop it.

S WHEN o how do you stop it?

Have a plan, work the plan, and then be content with every stage of your business.

But before you have a plan you must be in business because you truly ENJOY even LOVE what you do! That’s the key to being happy and uber successful in business.

It took me YEARS to realize this! I was always chasing money instead of chasing my passion. I was the poster child for ‘when’ I did something ‘then’ I would be happier.

It’s funny to me now because ever since I changed to this model – passion over profits – I’ve never felt happier. I am on a mission to help more women LOVE what they do AND that is so much more powerful than ‘trying’ to make a few bucks.

Are you ready to work with purpose? Are you ready to create a business that is fully aligned with you?

If you are not where you want to be in business then what are you going to do about it?

If you don’t take action now then *when* will you?


Need help? Let’s work together.