How many times have you heard this saying in Internet Marketing circles? I’ve probably heard it oh hundreds of times over the years.

It’s a saying that is commonly used about increasing your profits online. I usually glaze over the saying not thinking much about it. It makes sense. If something is working for you then all you need to do is continue doing it and doing more of it…right?

How many of us really take that advice to heart? As I stated above I usually glaze over it probably because it has become so cliché.

Earlier I was reading a report from (just joined this community and I’m loving it – you can try it for 10 days for just $2.95) when I read that saying again. But this time it hit me like a ton of bricks.

It hit me like a ton of bricks this time because I realized that THAT is exactly what I’m doing and why I am seeing the success I’m seeing.

This month has been my best month online – ever. I’ve surpassed goals and  hit some personal records and I’m on track to meet some major goals of mine.

It’s so simple, why do we complicate things?

I suspect that it is because we are not focused. I know I constantly fight with staying on track. My brain is always trying to come up with something new or different or better. While this is good generally speaking…when something is working well for you that is NOT the time to get off track!

So the question is…do you wanna thrive online? Then the message is…

If something is working for you…LATHER, RINSE, AND REPEAT for more profit.

What do you think? Are you really doing more of whatever is working for you?