I’m fascinated by digital products. I looove hearing about how people turn their thoughts and ideas into something that sells. When you have your own digital products to sell you reap the rewards long after the product was created. It gives you credibility, leverage, and not to mention a nice income!
This is the first interview of many (I hope) that takes a look at a digital product developer and how they got the idea from their head to market and everything else inbetween and after! I hope you learn a thing or two…I know I have!
Peggy Baron is the creator of several digital products but this blog post will focus on her product Easy Article Starters. You can find Peggy at http://www.peggybaron.com/. You can read more about Easy Article Starters here.
Why Did You Decide To Create Easy Article Starters?
Two reasons actually, but they both were based on the needs/desires of others. I had students who were learning how to put together their own PLR stores and they were always asking me what they should write article packs about. Some of them were understandably overwhelmed at all the packs they wanted to write to put on their virtual store shelves.
The other need/want I saw was from people who were confident writers but when they sat down to write their blog posts, they couldn’t think of what to write about. They were wasting so much of their precious time trying to come up with something to just get started on. A 3rd reason that showed itself as I got going was the needs of non-confident writers who wanted a little structure and help.
What Type Of Research Did You Do To Put The Product Together If Any?
Since Easy Article Starters are all about giving people ideas of what to write their own articles about, most of it was coming up with aricle ideas already sitting in my over-active imagination. The closest thing to research was looking around online to trigger some more ideas. My desire was to give people article starters that would give them articles that weren’t the same old thing.
I did have to make some decisions on exactly what an Easy Article Starter would consist of, since this was a new thing and I couldn’t follow someone else’s example. Once I had the format, the rest was fun.
I did ask for a few volunteers from my list who would read them and give me feedback. I wanted to make sure that people really could take them and quickly pop out some articles or blog posts. I got incredible feedback – they gave me some further direction and assured me I was on the right track. Involving my list is incredible useful for me and empowers them. It’s a great way to build relationships.
Were You Nervous It Wouldn’t Sell In The Marketplace?
I wasn’t nervous this time, but I’ve been creating products for a while now. If anything, I had a cautiously optimistic attitude. I wasn’t expecting to get rich since these starters are priced so low, but I was really hoping people would find them useful. I like to be helpful, even though my 18 year old son doesn’t appreciate my helpfulness. 🙂
I was quite excited when I started getting feedback from customers who “got it” and loved them.
What Payment Processor Or Shopping Cart Do You Use?
I use DLGuard for my shopping cart. I’ve been using it since the beginning of time and was attracted to it because of the modest price and the excellent customer service. My cart is integrated with Jrox JAM, which is my affiliate program. I’m not saying this is the best way to go, I’m just saying the costs were reasonable when I first got going. I think DLGuard is really easy to use. I paid them to set it up for me and then I started adding new products to it as I went.
How Did You Decide On The Price?
I pretty much suck at pricing things. I tend to go low because I want to get my products into people’s hands and make sales. I priced each pack of 25 EAS at $12 regularly, but $9 each on the WSO. The WSO is still going, I just keep adding new packs to it as I do them. The WSO is looking a little messy now.
How Did You Get Some Big Names To Promote Your Product?
Since I promote some products from big names, they are willing to promote my stuff too. It’s always best to give before you receive!
I was thrilled to have one big name email me that she loved EAS and asked if she could promote. I hadn’t even asked her to (yet). Another top dog marketer approached me at NAMS and asked if she could get a complimentary pack and do a promotional case study. Of course I said yes and it turned out wonderful.
That reminds me of something – when you send an email to someone who you hope will promote for you, always send a complimentary copy of the product along with the email. That doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily promote, but it is a courtesy you should extend. Always build up a relationship first.
Any Advice You Can Give To Those Who Want To Start Creating Their Own Product?
Sometimes your product will, quite frankly, bomb. But you learn from the experience, lick your wounds, make it better or move on to create another product. I’ve learned the hard way it’s always better to create something that people want and are searching for, rather than something you just feel like making.
Then there are the times when your product really hits home with people and they send you love letters of thanks. THAT, is what makes it all worth while!
Grab your free sample of Easy Article Starters here!
I’m going to have to dissect this interview in another blog post because Peggy brought out a few very important points! In the meantime let me know what you think below!
Hi Lisa,
Great interview. As usual, lots of words of wisdom from Peggy. I own several of her Easy Article Starters myself and love them. They’re a brilliant idea and, aside from helping people, they play to Peggy’s strengths. I think that’s another key for product creation. Having fun with it sounds pretty darn good too!
I love Peggy and her Easy Article Starters. I have almost every pack and I use them like crazy. Such an awesome idea!
She has a lot of great points about product creation and I love having the chance to see into the minds of successful marketers.
Thanks for bringing this to us Lisa!
I LOVE Peggy’s Easy Article Starters. They are a huge help to me, as I am just starting my PLR store. I am quite jealous I didn’t think of the idea first:)
Great interview! I really liked the part about involving your list in the creation part – this is something I think I should try to do with my next product. I love Easy Article Starters and think they are a brilliant idea – I’m not surprised they’ve gone down so well!
Thank you for the interview, as always I’m learning a bunch.
I guess the thing that strikes me is how Peggy makes the invention of the article starters sound so effortless. It really does pay to build relationships and actively seek out people’s wants and needs.
~ Mena
Hi Mena
I think creating something that “plays to your strengths” as Sharyn mentioned does mean it’s not as much of an effort for you to create.
There are things that you find so easy to do, you can’t fathom they’re not easy for everyone. But these are what you’re good at and you can teach others! I’ll never ever forget when I first learned that lesson – it’s made a huge difference in my online life and hopefully helped a lot of others too.
Yes! Play to your strengths and have fun with it! Spot on, Sharyn (I’ve always wanted to say that even though I’m not British).
I think we can tell the difference between a product created just to make a buck or two, and one that was created to be helpful with the creator thoroughly enjoying the process.
Good insight!
Hi Amanda,
It’s so rewarding to know when someone is growing their business based on a product you’ve created.
You, Amanda, have taken Easy Article Starters and used them more than anyone else. I am so impressed by you! Perhaps you should be sharing about how to take massive action through products purchased. 🙂
Hello Connie,
Ideas are funny things, aren’t they? Sometimes you get one that seems wonderful… until the next day. Then it’s not so brilliant.
Or you get an idea and even though it’s great, you feel like you’re slogging through mud to get it up and running.
It seems the ones that come out the best are those that almost seem to create themselves. I just wish that would happen more often!
Thanks, Ruth. 🙂
Honestly, I involved my list to make sure they could use the starters as intended. I mean, I knew *I* could pop out several articles from each starter, but was that just because I wrote the starters? I needed to know if I was on the right track.
I realized afterwards that empowering them not only meant a better product, but that they had a vested interest. Some of them also left very favorable comments on the WSO after it went live.
Good stuff Peggy and Lisa! Thanks for sharing. You did a good job of letting us peek behind your product creation curtain.
I liked this: ” I was really hoping people would find them useful”. Very well said when it comes to product creation!
Hey Lisa, I’m looking forward to your series of interviews on this topic.
Hey Alan,
Thanks! I’m looking forward to Lisa’s next interviews too. I find it fascinating to see how the wheels turn and the behind the scenes stuff going on.
Hello Peggy nice to meet you..I really like the concept of easy article starter. When i first started writing content, writing didn’t come natural for me and i searched high and low for a structure I could have used something like your article starter to guide me until i became better at writing. ..
Im so intrigued by PLR since I became online friends with Lisa. Just love this niche.
Hi Annie,
It’s nice to meet you too. I love the premise of your blog and I’m going to read some of those interesting posts… just as soon as I make and eat dinner. 🙂
PLR and Easy Article Starters are great ways to get ideas and get some content flowing quickly, because we only have so much time and a lot to get done. Right?
Hey Lisa,
I love Peggy and I’m so glad you spotlighted her today. She definitely shared some gold here that everyone can benefit. I mean she is creating her own products and over time and with the support of others that’s a great way to get your name out there.
I think Peggy is awesome so I’m just prejudice I suppose. Still, she has created a really fabulous business and now she can share with others through her own experiences how they can do the same.
Thank you Lisa for showcasing Peggy here and I can’t wait to see how you dissect some of what she shared and make it into another post for us.
You ladies have a wonderful day!
Thanks, Adrienne.
The feeling is mutual! I love how you connect with people and always have their best interests at heart. You lead by example. 🙂
Product coming slowly. Problem about living abroad is we do a lot of activities. site seeing, beaches, traveling. we’re heading to germany for a month now. aiy ai ai.
Wow! What a cool idea and time saver that Peggy has created! Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Lisa. The most difficult thing is getting the ideas, but when the ideas are already listed there for you, it just makes the writing so much easier.
Great interview!
I love EAS. This is one of those brilliant ideas you wish you’d came up with, but you’re also tickled that someone did come up with it.
I’ve used them for a few PLR packs and my own personal writing. I’ve taken a break from PLR lately, but as soon as I get back on the ball, I will continue to use the EAS packs I already have.
Thank you, Peggy, for coming up with one of the most absolutely brilliant ideas in the content world. 🙂 You totally ROCK! (Yes, I’m totally a child of the 80s and still use those nifty/narly/bodacious words. lol)
Thanks also to Lisa for a great interview.
All the best,