Product + Traffic = Sales (and sales means money in the pocket, baby)! (<– Click To Tweet!)

That’s the very basic and practical equation for success online! Everything starts with a product. You have to have something to sell. So HOW do you create a product that sells?

This is a question I’ve asked myself many times before. It’s something I strive to learn more and more about all the time. As I create digital products and learn from others I want to examine some of the key points that I’ve found to be true regarding creating a digital product that sells. Some of these key points were revealed to me in the last post about product creation with Peggy.

Create Digital Products That Are Based On YOUR Audience’s Needs or Desires

This right here is probably the biggest tip to creating a digital product that doesn’t suck! If you are building a blog audience and an email list around a topic (you are aren’t you?) then most likely people in your audience will need help at one point or another. It’s up to you to figure out what they want or need. There are a few ways you can do this.

  1. First, observe. Look into your analytics to see what emails and blog posts are getting the most attention. Look at your Facebook insights (something I knew nothing about until yesterday lol) to see engagement levels of your posts. You can use Hootsuite to see what tweets are getting retweeted the most. By doing this you can observe what your market is looking for.  Sometimes observation is the best way to get information.
  2. Second, ask. Ask your audience what they are looking for. Survey them with Survey Monkey or ask questions in an email, blog post, or on social media platforms.

Clearly, knowing what your audience is looking for is very important to creating a product that sells.

Create Products Based On Your Strengths

Got to give Sharyn credit for this one. Creating products based on your strengths is huge!  For example, maybe you loathe writing but you are excellent at creating videos. Well, create a video series instead of an ebook! Creating video plays to your strengths and will make the product creation process much easier and more fun for you!

Test Your Product Idea Out On Your Audience (Guinea Pig Method)

I did this with PLR Business Training and it helped a lot! I got feedback and was able to tweek the product plus I also got a bunch of testimonials before I even released the product! As Peggy stated this was huge for her because it helped her see that she was on the right track. It also helped her build a relationship with those on her list. It is also extremely motivating to get good feedback. It makes you want to get the product done even faster.

Really (REALLY) Want To Help Others

When you genuinely want to help others with your product you will put the needs of your target market ahead of your own. Yes, you are in business but it’s not all about making money. If you want to create a product that sells and doesn’t suck then you’ll have to get YOU out of the picture. I’ve had to learn this the hard way a few times myself. It can be difficult to find the balance sometimes especially when you need money. BUT the rewards will always be MUCH greater if you focus on the well-being of your market.

Get The Price Right

The price of your product does play a big part in creating a product that sells (and sells well). Get the price wrong and you won’t be in business for long. Pricing is very tricky. You have to take into consideration your market, what costs you have accumulated, and what you feel it’s worth. It’s an art and it’s something that can take time to get just right. If you want to learn more, Ameena has a lot of great insight into pricing.

Create A Digital Product That People Want And Not What You Want (Or Think They Need)

It can be easy to slide into the mindset that what you think your audience needs is actually what they need or want (especially if you are your target market). While you might have a hunch it’s best to do some research (see first point) first. Trust me it’s not a good feeling to spend a lot of time, money, blood, sweat, and tears to get a product created only to realize that you didn’t create a product that your market wants.

And Finally…Sometimes Your Digital Product Will Suck

Unfortunately, sometimes this will happen. Maybe you didn’t get one of the above tips just right. But it’s what you do afterwards that matters. Learn from the experience, ask for feedback and then fix it. THAT is how you will get to the point of creating a digital product that sells!

I want to hear from you! What do you think? What tips do you have for creating a digital product that sells and doesn’t suck? Let me know below!