Small Sales Tweak Being in business is a journey. Things just don’t happen overnight. There is MUCH to learn and actually you never stop learning if you are serious about being the best you can be in business and life in general.

Over the years of marketing online I’ve done a lot of dumb things but each dumb thing was a very valuable learning experience. In many cases a tiny tweak was all that was necessary to see some big results. The results I’m talking about are not just seen in the form of more money.

I’m also talking about seeing results in getting more sign-ups, traffic, increased interaction in general, and even mindset.

Here’s a tip: one of the highest yielding tweaks you can make in business is to change how you view things (tweet it)!

If you have determination and belief in yourself then you can accomplish anything. It’s just a matter of tweaking how you think. But that’s not the topic of today’s post. Today’s topic is about something I did recently and I was very happy to get it resolved quickly.

Make It Brainless

One of the most important things you can do when selling something (or multiple something’s) online is to make sure you make it SUPER EASY for your customers to checkout and purchase your products.

The other day I was launching a special sale. I’ve created lots of products and have made lots of money over the years so you would think that I got it all down. But there are so many pieces that go into selling online that it’s pretty easy to forget something. I had 8 items I was selling and they were all listed on a page where you could purchase each item of them separately and one link where you could purchase them all.

Well, at first I had it set up so that each link when to its own checkout page (see example below).

web cart


And then a customer wanted to purchase a couple of them (just not all) and it wasn’t easy to do. So then I realized how dumb! I should make it so that when they checkout they can click whichever items they wanted all in one swoop.

web cart

That simple tweak resulted in a lot more sales! If that customer didn’t come to me then I might have never realized what I did. So be sure you make it dead easy for your customers to buy what they want AND make sure they have options to buy MORE at checkout.

What silly mistake have you made in the past? What tweak did you make that resulted in bigger results? Let me know in the comments below!